Unlocking Diagnostic Breakthroughs in Compressibility and Occlusion Pressure
Relative Compressibility: 15.4%
A simple, yet powerful concept
Compressibility versus pressure
Vascular Occlusion Pressure
Areas of research
Our potential to transform traditional diagnosis
Pressure is a crucial diagnostic parameter
By harnessing the power of pressure,
Compremium can enable the diagnosis
of acute and chronic conditions.
Increased intracranial pressure indicates a rise of pressure inside the skull that can result from and cause brain injury
Intraocular hypertension indicates a rise of pressure inside the eyes that can cause blindness from glaucoma or other eye disorders
Recent studies indicate that intramuscular pressure is correlated to various conditions such as fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome
Vascular pressure which includes both arterial and venous pressure can be an important parameter in diagnosing various conditions related to venous insufficiency and peripheral arterial conditions
Portal venous hypertension is directly linked to various liver conditions like liver fibrosis and liver cirrhosis
Measuring intra-abdominal pressure in critically ill patients
Scleroderma and skin edema leading to fibrosis
Intramuscular pressure is associated with various conditions such as muscular dystrophy, sarcopenia and cachexia
Acute and chronic compartment syndrome is directly related to the rise in intramuscluar pressure
Various peripheral conditions such as neuropathy can be attributed to interstitial fluid pressure
The Science
Compressibility is a simple yet immensely powerful tool that we are using to achieve more reliable diagnostics.
In clinical trials we’ve proven to be highly accurate in diagnosing certain musculoskeletal conditions.
The CPMX1 has received FDA clearance for the following indication for use: “The Compartmental Compressibility Monitoring System (CPM#1)
is intended for real-time and intermittent monitoring of relative compartment compressibility.
The relative compartment compressibility (CP Value) is not meant for trend analysis.”
by sending a request to info@compremium.ch